Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Well it’s that crazy ass time of the year again. You know the one where people lose their shit over what gifts to buy and where the money to pay for all of these gifts comes from? Where we gorge on artery clogging foods, blow our livers to kingdom come on eggnog and ensure we get diabetes somewhere down the road by stuffing our collective faces with holiday baked goods! Yep, it’s good old X-mas time. Or what ever other holiday you happen to celebrate this time of year. The end result is all the same. Eat, drink and make an ass out of yourself  =D

For this holiday season, Desolate rage is currently working on a release date for the now finished album “Evolution's Mistake” there will be more on that as the next few blogs come up. Aside from that we will try to get the odd practice in when ever we can during this busy season. Trying to stay sharp for the coming years show dates. We came close to a few shows prior to the holiday season but timing as usual was not right. With Nelson in Cuba (you bastard) and the passing of my Aunt we had to say no to what would have been a fun show. On that night Cryptopsy was in town with My Hollow opening for them. Jorge still managed to get up on stage with My Hollow and performed “Kings With No Castles” with the boys which was pretty cool. On a side note just prior to the show, MH guitarist Greg fell of the stage while loading gear which resulted in him landing on his left hand and banging the shit out of it. No small miracle that he was able to finish the set but once the swelling started he was fucked! We wish him a speedy recovery.

That’s it for me this week.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from us to you.

Monday, December 09, 2013

EvOlUtIoN's MiStAkE

So this week we've decided that this would be the ideal place to preview the album cover for EVOLUTION'S MISTAKE so here it is......

We'll be making the album available for pre-order within the next couple of weeks and we'll keep you all posted on the digital and physical release dates soon!!

Monday, December 02, 2013

What's Old Is New Again

What Up Ragers!!

So as Marco mentioned in the last blog we're pretty much done with the album and this will be the beginning of a new chapter for us as a band with it being the first (of many hopefully) release of the Desolate Rage!! We'll preview the album cover hopefully next week for you all and maybe, just maybe have a release date as well!

So, I was trying all last week to think of what I should write in our blog this week and was having a hard time with it. This isn't always the easiest thing to do and then after going through the 29 or so posts that we have I came to the conclusion that all this is, is a nice little diary of the things we go through (good and bad) and I went back to see if we had done anything like that before as CONDEMNED and found the notes that we did in '06 during our little run. It's funny reading it and while we're way more consistent about doing now it's a nice reminder of what we were doing back in the day....so here it is:

October 28th, 2005  - Halloween Massacre (Fun Haus)
So we hit the stage at about 10:45 (25 min late) and things throughout the entire night were just not going as planned (thanks Steve for jinxing us). We were filming the DVD and having a camera in your face the entire night gets a little frustrating but what the hell “SO YOU WANT TO BE A ROCK STAR?” Hopefully the footage will look good. The intro didn’t start right, the masks were annoying as hell and sound on stage was garbage (not a good way to start the show). The crowd was awesome though, so much so that someone from the mosh pit hit Jorge in the mouth with the mic when they bumped into the stand. Crazy shit!!!! We ripped through our set (not very well) and then it was time!!!!!! Kevin and Andy from D.W.A. came on stage and even though the rest of the set was crap, Driven With Aggression was the best song we played that night. The crowd was pumped and we were amped about playing it. Needless to say it went over well and we did D.W.A. justice with a cover of their song. See you all on the 25th of November at Reilly’s. 

Pure Redemption: Nov. 25th, 2005 – Rielly’s
Another night, another show, and another 3 flights of steps to climb with all our gear. Rielly’s again but it seems like every time we play there something new happens (good or bad). So a good portion of people that were supposed to show didn’t, but what can you do? We played Last Mistake (first time in over a year) and it really wasn’t that bad (other than the fact that it killed the mood). Thanks Tim (from Baroque) for coming and singing Betrayal with us it was much appreciated.   

Christmas Hell: Dec. 17th, 2005 – Kathedral
Home at last (being the Kathedral). You know it doesn’t matter how many times we play there, every time we hit that little stage it feels comfortable. So we gladly opened the show for Zeroscape and the other bands to follow. Not many of our fans there but what did we expect for going on at 9 p.m. And of course things couldn’t be smooth for us (as per usual) During the song THE END Jeff’s bass and Jorge’s guitar amp cut out, so Nelson and Marco it is by them selves while we figured out what the hell was going on. All in all it was a great show and we enjoyed playing with all the bands that night. Much respect to them, see you all on the 14th of Jan. at the Opera House.

Last Stance In Hell: Jan 14th, 2006 – Opera House
The anticipation built and built until we hit the stage. The crowd was fucking amazing that night and the other bands were awesome. Of course other than a couple of incidents with bouncers and losing a patch cable everything went off without a hitch. Stage sound as usual was crap but at least vocals were coming out of the monitors, but from the mains it sounded killer. So we actually hit the stage at 10 sharp and the light show was incredible. Ripping through song after song it was the perfect send-off to a well-deserved break. Yes, “No Way Out” was played and the mosh pit was insane during the song and seeing people sing our shit got us pumped. 
We have decided to take a few months off and hopefully hit the studio and write a few new songs. Until then we’ll always have the Opera House night to remember. Respect to all the bands that played that night and we’ll see you all soon with a DVD, new merch, and a new CD (hopefully).

The Second Coming: Apr. 28th, 2006 – Fun Haus
After a well deserved 4 month lay away in the recording studio we were finally back and the anticipation was more than any of us could take. A couple of new songs and a new album on the way it was the return we wanted. As per usual the staff at the Fun Haus was very accommodating and the rest of the bands were grrrrreat!! So we hit the stage and ripped through all 8 songs with intensity and enough energy to light up this whole fucking city. (Including ripping through a bass speaker). The crowd was responsive and with a major surprise from us (NO WAY OUT) we proved that taking time off is sometimes a good thing. Two weeks and we’re playing at home again (Kathedral).

Home Sweet Home: May 12th, 2006 – Kathedral
Almost 6 months to the date since we played back at home the welcome we received was great. The bands were awesome and many thanks to Busted Muzzle for putting on one hell of a show. We played a strange set but yet it went off without a hitch. The crowd was great and things were on a roll. Album which is nearly finished and almost ready to be mixed and the anticipation couldn’t be bigger. NEXT STOP MONTREAL!!!! Si vous êtes prêt, ici nous venons. 

OMG Les Femmes: June 23-24th, 2006 – Café Campus – Montréal, Québec
So here it was, Condemned ready to rip ass in Montreal with Dropnote. He hit the road on Friday at 6 in the morning with everyone on very little to no sleep at all and arrived in La Belle Provence at approx. 12:30 p.m. Dropped off our shit at the families home and crashed for a few and then it was off to the Playhouse. Downer St. and Dropnote were playing and we wanted to support the boyz . They played a crazy show and Jorge did “Blinded” again with Dropnote on stage. After taking the gear back to the house a drinking we went…. $2.50 a beer and the music was stellar. A night that was to be remembered. Saturday was the day we had all been waiting for….grabbed the gear and made our way to Cafe Campus. After much discussion Dropnote agreed to headline the show and we would be direct support. Got ready and then we ripped ass and the pit was crazy (much thanks go to the boyz from Dropnote and Downer St. for sacrificing their bodies for the sake of a good pit…) Jordan from Dropnote filmed some of the show and in true Condemned fashion the set was not only tight but the performance was crazy. Dropnote then hit the stage and “Blinded” was played again and by far the most intense version to that with the combination of Jordan and Jorge on vocals….took the gear back to the house and a drinking we were going to go again. Hung out at the hotel with the other bands until about 5 a.m. and then it was off to bed. Left La Belle Provence at approx. 11 a.m. and we were back in good old T.O. by about 7 p.m. All in all a good little tour (for the first outing). Montreal we’ll see you again soon!!!!
Merci Beaucoup and Cheers Fuckers. 

In True Metal Fashion: July 29th, 2006 - Opera House 
Well shit went good for us this show. And in saying this I mean nothing broke. All our gear made it there and back no worse for wear. This would be a first for us. All bullshit aside it was a fun gig. We wanted to do a big "rock star" intro but pulled out of it just before going on. I am still not sure as to why??? We started off with Prayers for the damned and ended with the power. The fans seemed to like our set, we had a few moshes going on here and there and a lot of head bobbing and horns flying high. The lighting was awesome and our front sound was KICK ASS. The bright spot of the night for me was two things. 1) When Jorge’s strap came loose and our stage guy came running full speed to catch his Guitar and re-strap the guitar with out causing Jorge to miss a single note was cool. 2) After our 4th song the sound guy talking to us over the monitors saying that he was going to buy us shots of JAG after the show and then keeping his word was SWEET. All in all, a good night. 
Special thanks to Victor and Willy for helping us move our gear back to the studio. That was great, because for all you musicians out there we all know that moving gear after a gig FUCKING SUCKS ASS!!!
See you all at Adams on the 5th of Aug.