Welcome back to our regularly scheduled program.....and all that bullshit!
So over the past couple of weeks two big dummies have been giving you all the low-down on the D.R. history so I thought that this week I would give you a little taste of what it's like being in our little group and some of the "wonderful" things that happen when playing live.
If you've been reading this blog since the beginning or have caught up you'll know that around our camp everyone is fair game for a verbal bashing. It's nothing new and there's never anything meant by it, we're like 4 brothers so someone is always getting lambasted with either a tongue lashing or the wonderful presence of Marco's ass in their face (just saying). Some people would find it weird or unusual that we're constantly making fun of each other but if you can't make fun of your friends (or family) then what's the point? It breaks the tension and kills any ego that one (the other 3 would say me) might have and keeps you level headed and grounded. Our rehearsal space is cozy and has all the requirements that a band could ever ask for such as a fridge for cold beverages, a T.V. to watch the hockey games, a stereo, dvd player, and a mess load of video games and systems - from Nintendo to a PS3 (sometimes you just need a little inspiration). There are posters all over the walls and ceilings along with a "wall of boobies" (sometimes you just need a little inspiration) to keep things interesting. Kind of like (baked dick) a glorified garage band that got a reno done to their place. I liken it to a home away from home and throughout the years has definitely been that for us. Oh ya it has our gear there as well (sometimes you get inspired to write some music). It's not all sunshine and roses but we make it work and just like everything in life that's worth doing it takes some sacrifice and there are struggles along the way but the output for me is well worth the trouble. I mean imagine while you're playing that the guitar just disappears from your hands and you realize that it's about to hit the floor when you catch it...some would say "I'm outta here!!!".....but the show must go on and you keep playing as if nothing has happened and hope for the best. Fortunately for me the sound guy was helpful and ran out to the stage to fix the strap on my guitar so I could at least finish the song. You see shit happens all the time and it's how you role with the punches that either keeps you going or breaks you down to nothing. Another would be when the band is playing and at almost the same time both the rhythm guitar and bass cut and your left with 1 guitar and drums and some vocals...just hold it together until the end of the song and then fix whatever needs to be fixed and move on. There are countless number of things that we could talk about but in the end after all the bull that one really good show makes up for all the shitty ones when for 30 mins you really connect with the crowd and feel that energy come back to you! (Sorry, didn't mean to get all mushy there in the end)
So you see my friends (if you're still with me) while it's not all sunshine and rainbows it is a way of living and one that I love and I wouldn't change who I share it with for anything in the world. Those 3 that I "work" with (dumo, chico, and bu) are my family and I hope we continue to write music that is HEAVY AS FUCK.......HEAVY.......AS.......FUCK!
Until next week when the brill-o-padded one has something to write
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